Interdisciplinary journal Parallax has announced a call for papers for forthcoming issue 66, "bon appetit" in 2013, guest edited by Lynn Turner and Lindsay Kelley. Focusing on eating in order to interrogate the limits, porousness and regulation of the body, the journal's proposed theme raises ample scope for reading the alimentary as a practice which is fraught and problematic. Possible subjects include "eating well" (Derrida) and "killing well" (Haraway), "mess mates at table" (Haraway), survivalist eating in cultures of global war, cannibalism, abjection, totemism, orality and/as sexuality, animal and sexual differences, multispecies ethnography, speculative food futures and meal time.
"Far from an elementary basic need, the alimentary addresses a range of pressures, politics and phantasies regarding who, what and how we eat. Indeed, when the mouth is as invested in expression as ingestion, and when ingestion takes in identifications as readily as proteins we might further ask after what is called eating. ... [T]his issue of parallax opens up the alimentary and its nourishing, disgusting, and beastly capacities. We seek work that critically or experimentally illuminates how biopolitics and food science, the mouth and the oral, and the contributions of plants and animals come together to redefine what it means to eat."
Abstracts should be submitted by 1 October 2011. Visit the journal's general website to see a list of current and other forthcoming issues of Parallax.
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