24 September 2011

BiM Recordings: Recordings by Peta Hinton & Rosemary Deller

We have two new recorded presentation offerings available from today on the BiM blog. Accessible on the player to the right of the screen and on the Conference Recordings page are Peta Hinton's "The Quantum Dance and the World's 'Extraordinary Liveliness': Refiguring Corporeal Ethics in Karan Barad’s Agential Realism" and Rosemary Deller's "Getting to the Meat(iness) of the Matter: The Dynamic Decay of Jana Sterbak’s Flesh Dress of an Albino Anorexic (1987)". Both presentations featured on the first day of the conference.

Many thanks to all presenters who have given their permission for these audio files to be available for streaming. We appreciate your help in letting the conference stay alive online.

N.B. If you are experiencing trouble with viewing some tracks in the small music player, please try clearing your browser cookies, as this may prevent additional material from being displayed.

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