29 August 2012

Blog: Dataisnature

Dataisnature is the exciting blogging labour of Paul Prudence, an audio-visual performer and installation artist whose intimate addessal of "computational, algorithmic and generative environments" ensure that his finger is very much on the digital pulse of contemporary process- and procedure-generated artistic creations and creators.

The blog, which has been publishing on and off since 2004, contains samples of some truly hypnotic graphic, sound, video and generally multimedia works, including in the relatively recent past the eerily fleshy sound-video multimedia piece Aequa by outfit Idrioema and Leondardo Solaas's abstractly seething series Affinitive Swarms, as well as works by earlier artists such as, most recently, Nicolas Schöffer's "Spatio-Lumino-Chronodynamic" sculpture.

Leonardo Solaas, part of Affinitive Swarms series (2011)

While exploring the various nooks and crannies of this long-running blog, follow the links listed under the "innerspace" menu to the left to Paul Prudence's own experimental audio-visual works.

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