The tail end of last year brought us a new contribution in the Critical Studies series published by Rodopi, Performative Body Spaces: Corporeal Topographies in Literature, Theatre, Dance, and the Visual Arts edited by Markus Hallensleben and available on IngentaConnect.
Containing fourteen case studies analysing diverse cultural fields and geographies, each loosely fits into one of four overarching foci: the body as racial and political space; the body as gendered and cultural space; the body as private and public space; and the body as research subject and artistic space. This collection finds its point of access at the crossroads between the turn towards materiality within theory and the viceral articulations of corporeal performance.
"By focusing on the intersection of body and space, all contributions aim to bridge the gap between art practices and theories of performativity. The innovative impulse of this approach lies in the belief that there is no distinction between performing, discussing, and theorizing the human body, and thus fosters a unique transdisciplinary and international collaboration around the theme performative body spaces."
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