With remarkable serendipity, a new conference has been announced to take place in the cool climes of Edinburgh less than two weeks after the Bodies in Movement conference. Bodies of Thought: Fleshy Subjects, Embodied Minds, & Human Natures will be held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh from 8-9 June.
"The aim of this event is to foster a dialogue between researchers in feminist philosophy working on debates around the body, and researchers in philosophy of cognitive science with interests in embodied cognition and the extended mind. Many theorists of embodiment now think of mind and cognition as being continuous with life, in some theoretically significant way. Thus, contributions from those working in relevant areas of philosophy of biology will also form a natural part of this dialogue."Abstracts for this event are due on the 4th March and a small amount of bursaries are available for postgraduates and early career academics. With a slightly stronger foundation in philosophy but an almost parallel intent of offering an opportunity for cross-/interdisciplinary engagement, "Bodies of Thought" promises to add further depth and complexity to the conversation between the humanities, the sciences and philosophies of materiality. The Network in the Arts and Humanities which has organised this event also plans some exciting subsequent events focusing on gender and sexed embodiment in the visual arts, and on the links between feminist philosophy and philosophy of education.

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